The St Giles Governing Body

Your Governors are responsible for all aspects of the School’s performance. We need to set the strategic direction of the School, ensure that its budget is used in the most effect way and that the School provides a safe, healthy, enjoyable, stimulating environment that enables its pupils to progress to the best of their ability.

There will be two standing committees to carry out the day-to-day duties of the Governing Board, namely:

  • Resources
  • Achievement & Standards

Full Governing Body Details

Please see information in the table below about the constitution of the governing body:

(click on the table below for a larger view)

The terms of reference for the St. Giles’ governing body are below:

How is the Governing Body Organised?

Under our constitution there are 13 governors. There are 4 different categories of governor in set proportions:

  • 3 parent governors;
  • 1 LEA governor;
  • 3 staff governors, 1 of which shall be the Head Teacher unless that person resigns as a governor;
  • 6 co-opted governors elected by the governing body.

The whole Governing Body meets at least once per term and delegates some business to the following committees which also meet each term:

  • Resources (encompasses Personnel, Finance & Estates)
  • Achievement & Standards
  • Strategy

What Skills and Knowledge do we bring to the management of the School?

We are lucky to have governors who come from a wide range of backgrounds bringing skills and knowledge from, for instance, management, commerce, government, finance IT, Personnel and of course education.

How can you find out more?

Minutes of all formal meetings of the governors and the sub committees are available through the School Office. You can contact governors via the school office or directly during school functions such as parent evenings. We are always very happy to receive feedback, comments, queries and suggestions or  for you to raise any issues or concerns with us.

Hazel Earl

My name is Hazel and my role is Staff Governor.  Most of you will know me as Family Support/Deputy safeguarding lead at St Stiles.

I joined as staff governor in November ’23 but was previously a staff governor here a number of years ago from which I learnt a huge amount about governance and enabled me to understand the school from a different perspective. My current governor role is on the Achievements and Standards committee with a responsibility/interest in Staff well-being and Health and Safety.

I have worked at St Giles for a number of years.  My background is in Early Years and I worked in the previous St Giles nursery for a number of years and then moved into Reception. I am passionate about Early Years and building those positive relationships with children and families, hence my subsequent move into my current role.

Away from school, I am married with two grown up children – a son and a daughter.   I enjoy gardening, swimming and walking in my spare time.

Gill Manson

Hi My name is Gillian Manson, I was appointment by the local authority to the school, so I am the LA Governor. I have been involved in all aspects of a governor to many ranges of schools within the borough of Croydon for the last twenty plus years, I also sit on panels for the local borough and neighbours to assist them to ensure governance is adhered too. I have been involved in all aspects of a school life, including chair of the school. I have a background of Finance, audit, HR, Payroll, Health & Safety Building Maintenance and Construction and a parent and wish to make a difference to a school.

Stephen Hehir – Head teacher

I have worked in education since 1997 when I began my teaching career in Luton. Over this time, I have been a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, worked as a Head teacher at two separate mainstream schools in Essex and London, worked as a consultant at a variety of schools in the UK and abroad and I have recently been a Head teacher of a Special Education Needs school. Being a father of two, I am very much aware of the responsibility that my staff and I have in ensuring that the highest standard of safeguarding and teaching and learning is achieved. We have a hugely committed team and wonderful children at St. Giles’ School.

The needs of the children are always paramount in the life and decision making within a school. I strongly believe in providing the children with exciting, creative and meaningful learning experiences, which build their enthusiasm for learning and help them to grow and develop positively in a variety of ways. I think it is crucial to involve the children and their families as partners in their education. I am also keen on building a whole school community which thrives on mutual respect and values positive relationships. I know how vital working in partnership with parent/carers really is for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. As key educators in your children’s lives, I feel that it is important that you have a voice and that as a school we are approachable and allocate time to listen to your concerns, worries or thoughts about the school.

You can be assured that as Head teacher, I will strive to create the best education for your child/children whilst they are members of our St Giles’ school family. Please do come up and introduce yourselves outside school. I look forward to meeting you in the coming weeks/months.

Paul Thirkettle – Co-Opted Governor – Chair of Governors

I have been a parent governor at St Giles’ School since 2015 and in 2020 I was voted in as vice chaired the governing body.  I took on this role as I was intrigued to find out how the school runs behind the scenes and help out the school in any way I can. I am now the Chair of the governing body and just appointed as Co-opted governor.

My professional background is in Catering and hospitality  where I qualified as a professional Chef in 2007.  I have worked in various types of restaurants from bistro pubs to fine dining and have done quite a few banquets in my time!  My favourite cuisine is Italian.  As well as cooking, I have also worked as a youth worker for Croydon Council.  I found helping the young people in my community very enjoyable and rewarding.

I am married with 2 children, one of whom is currently in a Primary Class at St Giles’.   I  also enjoy playing and coaching  rugby at the weekends where  I  am currently the 2nd Team Captain and in 2019 I’ve helped set up a thriving  girls rugby teams  at my local Rugby Club.

Kathleen Shields – Vice Chair of Governors

Lead Governor for Safeguarding.

I became a Governor at St Giles in October 2017. I am a barrister practising in different areas of law.

Before training as a lawyer I qualified as a teacher: I taught English and French in a secondary school in Leeds. I enjoy working with young people and wanted to be involved with education after I left the classroom, so I decided to become a school governor. I believe all children should be well-served by their school and given support to fulfil their potential. Being part of St Giles’ governing body is a way for me to help achieve this goal and to give back to my community.

I enjoy travelling, cooking, going to concerts and hiking.

Neal Fraser – Co-Opted Governor

I have been a member of governing body since 2011. I am on my third term of governance.

I sit on the sub-committee of Resources. The best thing I love about St. Giles’ is the focus on students as individuals and the level of care given by all staff. As a governor I have always placed student welfare front and centre and during my tenure believe being a critical friend in this matter is important – student welfare is the most important and it is important to ask questions.

My children have in the past been through the school thoroughly enjoying their time. This has given my great insights. I have been happy to continue as a governor even after my children have left and it is great to be still connected to the school and give something back to the family and community of St. Giles’.

Khadija Shears – Co-Opted Governor

I am a Local Authority Governor here at St Giles. I sit both on the Resources and the Attainment & Standards Committees and was recently elected as Vice Chair of the Achievement & Standards committee.

I bring to the governing body, significant experience in both Public and Private finance and this equips me with valuable insights that will contribute to the effective governance of the school and I also support with providing an environment that fosters academic excellence, personal development and inclusivity. I hope to utilise the skills and experience which I have developed over the last 10 years particularly, working within Early Years, Primary and Secondary school settings to support the delivery of St Giles School’s exciting and challenging plans. I currently work for a leading Educational Schools Trust as a Finance Lead.

My passion for empowering young people to achieve their full potential- not only an excellent education, but with a sense of self-worth and sound emotion well-being regardless of their individual challenges, has led me to take up this post as a Governor. I particularly appreciate St Giles’ inclusive and open culture.

It is a pleasure to support St Giles, working closely with the Head Teacher and other Governors on the Board, with creativity and collaboration at the forefront in all that we do. I am a great believer of working collectively.

I am married with three daughters and in my spare time enjoy walking, the outdoors generally, travelling and supporting various children’s’ charities in Africa which I visit often.

Beverley Hayllar – Co-Opted Governor

I have taught for twenty years, initially as a history teacher but then head of sixth form in a SEN School, setting up work experience and travel training programmes for my students. We ran a cafe ‘The Beach Hut’ which generated money for the group and which was used to buy equipment of their choice ( TV, karaoke machine, playstation etc) and for days out.

I am a passionate football fan and my team is Arsenal. I also steward at Twickenham, luckily watching all of the World Cup matches.

I love going to the cinema, to see bands and concerts and to the theatre and am in a book club.

Caroline Horgan – Co-opted governor

Hello, my name is Caroline Horgan and I am a co-opted governor at St Giles. I have been a teacher for over 32 years and most recently worked at St Giles as the Deputy Headteacher until I took retirement in December 2023. My career as a teacher has given me detailed knowledge about schools, education and SEND.

The skills I have gained as a senior leader at St Giles enables me to be a well informed and supportive governor. In this role I scrutinise the work of the school to ensure that St Giles pupils get the provision they need to access their learning in a safe and holistic way.

Working with my fellow governors and the school community I want to ensure that the pupils have positive and productive learning experiences so they can continue to realise their potential to be the ‘Be the Best They Can Be’

Ken Morcombe – Associate Governor

My name is Ken Morcombe. I am now an associate governor having served as a governor at St Giles for 25 years in many roles including that of Chairperson. I am a member of the Achievement and Standards Committee with a particular interest in pupil progress and the well being of both pupils and staff.

In my working life I worked at Senior Executive level in financial services and in retirement work in a voluntary capacity number of areas of which St Giles is the one of which I am most passionate. Over my time with St Giles I have been inspired by the skill and dedication of the staff and the achievement of our young people, despite their special needs and feel honoured to be able to play a part in their education,

I now have my own special needs being visually impaired but hope that my long experience means that I can still contribute to life and success of St Giles

Jamie Farley – Parent Governor

My name’s Jamie Farley and I am delighted to be serving as a parent governor for St. Giles’ School. As part of my role, I am committed to supporting the school in overseeing (TBC.. curriculum development & financial accountability).

A bit about me: I am a passionate advocate for education and inclusivity, driven by my personal experience as a parent of a child with additional needs. Professionally, my background is in Finance but also support the community as a Trustee of a Charity enabling disabled individuals. I wanted to become a governor for St. Giles’ School because I believe in the importance of creating an inclusive environment where every child can thrive. I am particularly interested in contributing to the school’s strategic goals and supporting the wonderful team here in delivering excellent outcomes for all students.

Outside of governance, I enjoy Fitness, Motorsports and Amateur DIY which keep me balanced and focused. I look forward to collaborating with the staff, students, and fellow governors to make a positive impact.

Richard Griffin – Parent Governor

My son has attended St Giles since he was in reception. He thoroughly enjoys school, has many friends and wonderful teachers. I decided to become a governor to support the school and the local community.

I have been a teacher for over 25 years and I am currently the headteacher at a Croydon primary school. Ver the years, I have gained much experience, knowledge and understanding of how schools are run, leadership and management, teaching and learning, and personal development.

I enjoy cooking, mountain biking, tennis and building Lego models with my son.