The Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme

Sir Jack Petchey has a vision of a world where young people have high aspirations; the opportunity to develop their potential; the chance to be architects of their own future; to play a full part in society and to be valued and recognised for the positive things they achieve. Jack Petchey Achievement Award winners are young people who have gone beyond to achieve.

The Jack Petchey award Scheme in St Giles school has three award winners every year plus one adult winner. An important part of the scheme is the involvement of young people in selecting and nominating the award winners for their hard work and efforts. We want all young people to recognise and celebrate the success of their peers.

Each award winner receives a certificate, pin badge and a book at a whole school assembly. They also choose, with support, how to spend a £250 grant to benefit the school. Previous winners have purchased items such as a Disco ball and light, bird box with camera, team kit, school outings and class meals.

All award winners are, in addition, invited to attend one of the annual Croydon Award ceremonies to be presented with a medallion in front of their families, friends and VIP’s.

More information can be found at