Dear Parents / Carers,
As always at this time of year, I find it hard to believe that we already find ourselves half way through the school year and very soon we will be in the final term of this academic year. Where does the time go!?
On the note of thank you – thank you to everyone who reads the comments from your class staff and responds back through the home school book. It is always lovely for staff to read such positive feedback as well as constructive criticism about how we can improve. Ultimately we are all in this together and just like you, want the best for all our / your children. Thank you also to you all those parents/carers who came to see me on the 28th February 2024. I will arrange more dates in summer term 2024. Again the importance of us working in partnership to co-educate the children cannot be overstated. This partnership can only be to the good of the children.
Following the above, from all of us at St. Giles’ School we wanted to thank you for the continued support you provide us in our strive to give your children the very best everyday. We really could not do it without you all. Thank you also for all the positive feedback and support you give us verbally, in writing.
I hope that you all had a lovely half-term holiday and are already enjoying the busy rest of the term we have ahead (there are only three weeks and three school days left!). Finally have a great St. David’s Day on 1st March 2024!
Mr. Hehir
Sam Nessling – Appointment of new permanent Assistant Head teacher
It is with great celebration that I can announce to the parent/carer body the appointment of our own Samantha Nessling to the position of permanent Assistant Head Teacher from January 2024. We wish her all the best in her future role and there will be opportunities to officially meet her in her new role in Spring and Summer term 2024.
Students who have unplanned absence
Can I ask for parents/carers to contact the school by telephone /email before 8.00am each morning for any unplanned student absence. The school student absence number is 0208 680 2141 / email :
Please give:
- A/Your name
- B/Your child’s name
- C/Reason for absence and
- D/If know planned date of return to school.
Note – if you can call the school back the day before you expect your child to return the school. Also for every day of student unplanned absence can you also contact the school before 8.00am.
Dates for the diary
School INSET – Thursday 28th March 2024 – This is a non-student day. Parents/carers evening – Wednesday 19th June 2024 from 4pm to 6pm.
We wish everyone a wonderful March 2024!