In Silver class we started the autumn term exploring likes and dislikes and how we communicate those preferences. Students explored autumn and winter as the weather and seasons changed. Fiona was very excited about the snow and we found numerous ways to represent it. Sometimes we got very messy. We had fake snow all over the floor after exploring it using our feet.
Students felt different contrasting textures. We also felt wet and dry as well as warm and cold. Students operated different switch toys to make things happen, depending on our individual interests. To celebrate the New Year we made our own sensory bonfire – some of us by ripping paper onto light up balls and others by activating a fan that blew cloth flames. We looked at different ways we could make our own fireworks. Some students preferred noisy fireworks and others preferred fireworks that were quieter and had a clear colour contrast.
Our Previous sensory story was “My sensory body”. We explored representations of heads and skulls and brains. Some of us liked soft and squishy and some of Silver class preferred harder textures. We encouraged more independent exploration with familiar and unfamiliar resources. Our new Topic is “Nurses” and our big question is What is important to me?”